The Gift of Generous Giving

slide_25The gift of sharing is not giving Php 5.00 to street beggars. It is not giving your used clothes because you want to get rid of it. It is not giving your extra money because you have extra money to spare. It is not even giving money out of pity.

Rather, the gift of giving is sharing in generosity to the needy in the body of Christ. Paul wrote, “the one who gives” is to give “in generosity” (Rom. 12:8). The word “generosity” (Gk. haplotes) means “Sincere concern of people who give ungrudgingly, i.e. without reservation, with no strings attached Ro 12:8; 2 Cor 8:2; 9:11, 13).” (Gingrich) It refers to “an openness and sincerity in sharing with others generosity, liberality (RO 12.8).” (Friberg)

If you see someone in need, and you say, “Oh, she can find a job,” it is likely that you do not have the gift of sharing. If you say, “I like to help, but this is the last time I’m helping,” most probably you have no spiritual ability to share. If you say, “I’ve been helping needy people already. I don’t like it anymore,” most likely you do not have the gift of sharing.

The gift of sharing is giving your goods out of sincere concern for others. It is giving your goods without grudging. It is giving your goods without reservation. It is sharing your goods with no strings attached. He who has the gift of sharing has a “a self-forgetful attitude, entirely innocent of any ulterior motive.” (Black) I like this definition. If you have the gift of giving, you do not think of yourself. You do not have any ulterior motive. You give sincerely.

Do you have the gift of giving? Then adjust your lifestyle so you can give more for the needy. Spend less on yourself so you can give more to the church.

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