The Significantly Great Love and Mercy of God for Believers in Christ

In Ephesians 2:1-3, Paul specified the sinful condition of all humanity without Christ. Yet Paul does not leave a bad taste in the mouth. In vv. 4-7, he declared a game-changer for hopeless humanity–the significantly great love and mercy of God for believers in Christ.

We note seven things about God’s love and mercy toward us in Christ.

First, God is merciful toward us. “But God, being rich in mercy” (v. 4). The noun “mercy” (eleos) means “gracious action demonstrating God’s compassion mercy, lovingkindness, faithfulness.” (Friberg). This is God’s motivation for saving us—His mercy.

In the Gospels, Jesus showed mercy by giving sight to the blind (Mk. 10:47-52). Jesus was merciful when He healed the 10 lepers (Lk. 17:13). He demonstrated His mercy when He drove out the demons from a man (Mk. 5:19).

Jesus taught that God’s mercy is undeserved and unearned. In the parable of the unforgiving servant, the servant owned his master big time. He could not pay so his master ordered him to be sold as a slave, including his wife and children. But he fell on his knees and begged his master to have mercy on him. So his master forgave him the debt and released him (Matt. 19:23-27). Jesus teaches that you do not deserve God’s mercy. You cannot earn God’s mercy. Rather, God freely extends His mercy to sinners.

This is the mercy of God to us sinners.

Second, God loves us with a great love. “But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us” (Eph. 2:4). This is God’s other motivation for saving us—His love. There is the riches of God’s mercy. There is also the greatness of His love.

Jesus said, “God so loved the world,” and that includes everyone (John 3:16). God loves every sinner and Jesus died for every sinner.

In John, the object of God’s love is each and every sinner in the world. In Ephesians, the object of God’s love is believers in Christ (Eph. 1:4; 2:4).

Tell someone today, “God loves you and Christ died for you.”

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