Fireproof Your Marriage 6

catherine_friendscomfort7. Sometimes, we dislike the nagging of our mothers (fathers).  But we must listen to them.  They know better, because they’ve been there before. The reason why Caleb’s father was the source of encouragement and guidance, was not because of his father, but his mother.  (If you want to know why, watch the movie!)  Never close your ears to your mother or father.




I will leave it up to you to fill up numbers 8, 9, and 10 perhaps, AFTER you’ve watched it.  (Write your comment in this blog.)

Every couple, whether married or not, and every family, should watch this film.  I highly recommend it.  We showed it to our church with some guests.  Everybody was blessed by it, both young and old.  Not a few shed some tears, including myself.  It was not just inspiring, though.  It powerfully delivered the principles of God’s Word for a happy marriage.

Countless churches have shown this movie to many others.  If you haven’t yet, many couples and families in your church may be missing out on what they can learn from it.  You wouldn’t want your church to miss it!

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Fireproof Your Marriage 5

2008_fireproof_0095.Fighting at home and flirting in the workplace are fires that will consume your marriage. They are sure recipes for cooking marital brokenness.  Caleb and Catherine were always fighting at home.  They shouted while talking and talking while shouting at each other.  Fire met fire.  The wife was fighting with her husband, while entertaining another guy.  If not for the determination of Caleb, and the enabling of the Spirit in his life, their marriage would have been one in the astronomically growing number of divorces (in the Philippines, annulments) today.

6.The wife (husband) has every right to protect the marriage against a third party predator, with whatever means possible. When Caleb discovered that another guy had a thing for Catherine, he did not just sit down and do nothing.  He did not waste time either.  He confronted the guy.  Showing his clenched fist to the predator, he made it clear that he will preserve and protect their marriage.

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Fireproof Your Marriage 4

  1. 2008_fireproof_0081

3. A changed wife (husband) will do her (his) best to win back her (his) partner, no matter what. Caleb kept on doing the right things to his wife, despite weeks of rejection and distrust.  His wife asked him one day, how many days has he covered with, “The Love Dare.”  He replied, “43.”  It has only 40 days, his wife answered.  Then he said, “Whoever said I should stop?”  He never stopped, regardless.

4. A resolved husband (wife) will be the first to say, “Sorry,” and show it. When his wife got sick, there was Caleb’s chance to show his love by staying at home with her.  But he didn’t stop there.  During their conversation, he knelt by the bed, and tearfully said, “I’m SORRY!  I’ve been so selfish.”

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Disclaimer:  I’ve tried to give credit to whom credit is due.  If there is any original thought or reference which I failed to footnote, please call my attention.  Once validated, it will be corrected immediately.

Fireproof Your Marriage 3

imagesI’d like to share some thoughts about the most inspiring movie of 2008, “Fireproof.”

1. Every right relationship begins and continues with Jesus. Caleb received Christ before he embarked on a journey to win his wife back to a loving, healthy relationship.  Don’t ever think that Jesus is good only for saving you from your sins.  He is not just Savior, but Lord.  His salvation is not just at the beginning.  He does not save you only from the penalty of your sin, but also from its power in your marriage.

2. A changed husband (wife) can change a hostile marriage. Caleb applied the instructions in, “The Love Dare,” on a daily basis.  He stopped watching pornographic shows on the internet, indicating true repentance.  Slowly, he ceased reacting to his wife with his usual angry outbursts.  He resolved to do what is right, and the Lord gave him the power to do it.

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Fireproof Your Marriage 2


What many people don’t know is that the movie was produced, not by the famous millionaires of Hollywood, but by the most unlikely people on earth—2 pastors and members of an evangelical Baptist Church. The director is Pastor Alex Kendrick. He serves as associate pastor of Sherwood Baptist Church, Albany, Georgia. The producer is his brother, Pastor Stephen Kendrick. He is Senior Associate Pastor of the same church. They and their movie team of 1,200 volunteers of the church prayed and worked hard to make it happen.

For various roles, they chose, not just believers, but mature believers. They were always sensitive to God’s leading. God guided them along the way. Michael Foust wrote, “Their 2006 hit ‘Facing the Giants’ had a price tag of $100,000 but made $10.1 million at the box office, while the 2008 sensation ‘Fireproof’ cost $500,000 to make but grossed $33.4 million. And those figures don’t even include DVD sales.” ( Accessed February 16, 2009).

The film won an Epiphany award for the most inspiring film in 2008. There is an even greater reward to them. Because of this movie, many couples have been rescued from the fire that threatened to consume their marriages.

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Disclaimer:  I’ve tried to give credit to whom credit is due.  If there is any original thought or reference which I failed to footnote, please call my attention.  Once validated, it will be corrected immediately.

Fireproof Your Marriage 1

fireproof_desktop2_smThe title above just about summarizes the hit Christian movie, “Fireproof.” The film is a love story, starring Kirk Cameron, of the 80s TV series, “Growing Pains,” fame and Erin Bethea. It spotlights a firefighter whose marriage is crumbling and heading for divorce. The beauty about the movie is the grace of God in the life of Capt. Caleb Holt (Cameron). The healing of his marriage began right where every right relationship should start—Jesus. With his father’s encouragement, Caleb accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior.

Caleb’s father then urged him to commit himself to practice, “The Love Dare.” It is a Bible-based, 40-day schedule of doing right things to one’s marriage partner. Caleb tried his best but to no avail. He and his wife (Bethea) kept on fighting. But Caleb persevered. He has long been rescuing fire victims. Now, he is set to rescue his wife’s heart.

The movie is about how Jesus changed the life of a temperamental husband. It shows how a changed partner can heal a marriage. It demonstrates how one spouse can help break down the hatred, heal the pain, and overcome distrust in a marriage.

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Disclaimer:  I’ve tried to give credit to whom credit is due.  If there is any original thought or reference which I failed to footnote, please call my attention.  Once validated, it will be corrected immediately.